The 2nd IZTECH Best Course Design Awards were Presented

    Under the leadership of IZTECH Rector Prof. Dr. Yusuf Baran, and Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Gamze Tanoğlu, “The 2nd IZTECH Best Course Design Awards”, organized for the second time in collaboration with our institute’s Education Directorate and UZEM, were presented.

Among the courses submitted, three course designs were awarded based on objective evaluation criteria. The relevant courses were assessed and scored by expert reviewers according to the following criteria, in addition to student evaluations:

  1. General Overview of the Course
  2. Learning Outcomes (Competencies)
  3. Assessment and Evaluation
  4. Instructional Materials and Resources
  5. Teaching Activities, Interaction, and Student Engagement
  6. Technologies Used in the Course
  7. Student Support
  8. Accessibility

As a result of the evaluation,

  • The first prize was awarded to Dr. Ozan Uştuk for the course “HUM250 Social Responsibility Projects.
  • The second prize was awarded to Dr. Atakan Ekiz for the course “MBG404 Computational Biology.
  • The third prize was awarded to Prof. Dr. Koray Velibeyoğlu, Prof. Dr. İpek Akpınar, Dr. Esin Özdemir Ulutaş, Dr. Nicel Saygın, and Dr. Can Gündüz for the course “CP401 Urban Design.

         We congratulate our professors and wish them continued success.